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At least I think that's what he said; I was almost too embarrassed to jeff sharlet hear him, what with the blood flooding my ears and all. I followed him into the sanctuary feeling very silly and sat down with him at a long folding table -- the kind I associate with church potlucks.  "So Emily, jeff sharlet what brings you here? You mentioned on the phone that you were looking to convert. Tell me, in which faith were you raised?" jeff sharlet Noticing that his olive complexion matched mine (further proof I should be welcomed into the fold), I said, "Christian. I was raised in the Presbyterian Church." "I see. And why do you think Judaism is for you?" "Well, I had this dream." Should I tell this man my dream? I knew I'd regret my stupid bluntness. However, I also knew my incurable infatuation for self-sabotage, so it would come out eventually.
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