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09:38 PM helpmepleaz Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2005 Posts: 12 thankz Well first thingz first i don't tell my son by any means to call my fiance daddy I would not disrespect him like that now who my son perfer to look up to as a father figure iz left up to him but be assured that I tell him who his father iz!!! Now with the court order he iz suppose to have him for two weeks out of ascii art farts a month effective January 27 2006 now since this was ordered he has ascii art farts only kept ascii art farts my son for a total of 2 days and took him out to dinner with his parents last friday and brought him back the same night now him not doing his two weeks does not phase me none wat so eva wat bothers me iz when he does come around he expects my son to be so willing to want to be with him when the fact still remaines other than when he comes to pick my son up we never hear from him not to even check on and talk to him for 5 minutes and the part about my son needing to get use to him iz bs because he has been in his life steady for over a year now and my fiance just recently had the oppurtunity