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there have been many cases where custody has been reversed for non- cooperation with a court order. try to work with him. and yes under the circumstances if he is actually keeping the child 1/2 confession the month then he would be confession eligible for a deviation of support under most state rules. that is why it is very important for you to not only follow the court order to confession the best of your ability but to keep excellant records also. rini rini View Public Profile Send a private message to rini Send email to rini Find all posts by rini Add rini to Your Buddy List #7 03-04-2006, 01:02 PM chris1228 Junior Member Join Date: Feb 2006 Posts: 25 My question and answer is...when this arguing is going on, is the child present? If so, that may be why the boy acts like that when his father wants to take him. There is a reason why and that may be it. Do you talk bad about the father to the boy? Does the boy over hear conversations that you have about his father, whether it be on the phone or in person.