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She abandoned him before he was old enough to crawl, leaving his great aunt to raise him till she died. He was 9 years old. So he was shipped to jeff sharlet another state to live with his mother whom he knew nothing about. The week he got there she left, said she was going to his dead aunts funeral in NY. Well her boyfriend brutally raped jeff sharlet him while jeff sharlet she was gone. When she got back he told her what happened, and she accused him of lying...Well the abuse went on until he was 12 years old. Everyday she went to work leaving her jobless, pedophile boyfriend to have a field day with her only child. My husband's father died when he was 3 months old so they bought drugs and lived off his death benefit check, never spent one dime on my husband. She finally got rid of the bastard, but for her own personal reasons. All she does is dump dirt on him, talk about how should be a better man, and a better son to her, makes fun of him, and puts him down in front of his children.
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