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Stoffel also admitted to having a sexual relationship with one of his students at Summit Christian School that began when the boy was 14 years old. That case is under investigation. Stoffel, who has no prior arrests, told authorities he had engaged in sexual conduct with boys in Palm Beach and Broward counties dating back 10 or 11 years. According to his statement to investigators, Stoffel "has been a music teacher at Summit Christian School milf hunter dvd in West Palm Beach for the past five and a half years." The school's headmaster, Sam Skelton, could not be milf hunter dvd reached for comment Sunday. A school employee who declined to give her name said Sunday that Stoffel was not currently employed at the school, that officials are investigating and that a news release will be issued this week. Sunday morning, Stoffel was listed as the school's Boys Junior Varsity basketball coach on the school Web site and appeared in two photographs with the team.
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