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we should send all those rethugnacans to iraq so they can hand money to poor arabs instead of on your mother fucking knees poor blacks in the usa. then they'll get all warm and shit. Posted by: gopislame on September 3, 2005 at 11:25 PM | PERMALINK Breaking News: CNN is reporting the the Chief Justice just died. Posted by: TomStewart on September 3, 2005 at 11:26 on your mother fucking knees PM | PERMALINK Now the Supremes can convene on the first Monday in October with a Quorum on your mother fucking knees of seven. (Not a lawyer, is that the right word? "Nine" is not a constitutionally proscribed number, iirc, so Roberts and any future nominee can theoretically be strung along forever and the court could conduct business as usual.) Posted by: Global Citizen on September 3, 2005 at 11:29 PM | PERMALINK Marky writes, There is no question that New Orleans' evacuation plan was flawed.