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No one disputes this. What I fail to understand is how it logically follows that the proper federal response mature woman movies was to do nothing. Since the local and state response was inadequate, the federal government had an even stronger obligation to save these people. Surely you don't think (ok, obviously you do) that it was ok for Bush to completely ignore the problems in New Orleans for 3 days? Posted by: marky on September 3, mature woman movies 2005 at 11:19 PM mature woman movies | PERMALINK Global Citizen writes, It was the end of the month. We may have seen a whole different scenario play out if this happened this week instead of last week. (SS and welfare checks are received the first of the month.) At that point in the month many of them didn't have two nickles to rub together. Literally. I worked in public health for several years. I'm not denigrating the victims, I'm just stating a fact that I know to be true. I also work in the health-care system, and you are correct in what you've seen.