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These days, George's answer to milf pictures any problem at milf pictures the ranch is to hack it to pieces with a chainsaw — which I think is why the milf pictures economy and Iraq are doing so gloriously under his thoughtful stewardship. (Laughter.) But actually, in all seriousness, I do love living in all these fancy houses and having married into a family with more money and power than God. Because if you're a gal like me, I think when you marry someone, it should be someone whose career and fortune are handed to them purely by virtue of having sprung from the pampered loins of a public service profiteering dynasty. Someone who will let the dogs out — even the ones who aren't called "Mother" — in the morning so they don't mess on the carpet because you've got a crushing hangover migraine. And that's George. So in the future, when you see me just quietly sitting up here, sporting a frozen perma-smile with my eyes glazed over and staring out into space just waiting for the next pill to kick in, I want you to know that despite appearances, I am sentient — and so enjoy joining the crowd in each rousing game of "applaud for the cameras when told."
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