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Pollock, co-founder of SPIN Gallery. “We are thrilled to be the first to showcase Rolyn’s mother dauther sex sense of humour, attention to detail and his artistic design flare in Toronto.” From his Bling-Bling Fashion Cares outfit of 2003 to his Sexy Sushi Seller costume worn to North Bound Leather’s Bento Party last year, mother dauther sex to his Winter Wonderland creation worn to Bloor Street mother dauther sex Entertains, the exhibit will showcase Almax Mannequins wearing twenty of his best (and maybe some of his wildest) fashion creations mixing today’s hottest fashion labels like Puma, and Hoax Couture with select vintage pieces discovered at Value Village. From vintage classics to contemporary favourites, over 50 toy tape recorders will be featured in the display, as they are essential, FUNctional parts of his costumes.
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