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"We greatly value the history and success of Missoni and want xxx older women to officially welcome the Missoni family to Toronto Fashion Week," xxx older women said Robin Kay, President, FDCC. "Missoni's visit and endorsement of our week reinforces Canada as an emerging fashion design destination for Italy and the world, highlighting Toronto as a fresh player on the fashion field." "Bringing Missoni to Toronto is not only about celebrating a legend, it is also about creating a unique opportunity to exchange talent, innovation xxx older women and experience, while setting an example of how to further strengthen economic opportunities for the two cities," said Nick Simone, Executive Director, ICCT. As part of the activities in Milan today, the work of a group of Canadian designers, including Jennifer Dares, David Dixon, Arthur Mendonça, Thien LE, Wayne Box, Yves Jean Lacasse and Marie Saint Pierre will be shown to media and industry representatives during a special reception held by the City of Milan and the Ministry of Fashion.
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