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Cosgrove (Rep) of Chesapeake has taken. His proposal HB1677 "Report of Fetal Death by Mother," Penalty would make it a crime for a women to killing the buddha report a mis-c... [Read More] Tracked killing the buddha on January 08, 2005 at 02:18 AM » I Tried, Honest, I Really Did from Ilyka Damen I have been a bad blogger, a lazy blogger, a bad lazy bad bad blogger. This is likely to continue; I always hate January killing the buddha and do my best to hibernate during it. Still, I tried several times this week not... [Read More] Tracked on January 08, 2005 at 09:35 AM » Womb patrol from Five years ago, I proposed a Federal Department of Pregnancy to deal with the the thorny question of abortion. One paragraph began this way: Upon pregnancy certification, a woman would... [Read More] Tracked on January 08, 2005 at 10:09 AM » Democracy for Virginia: Legislative Sentry: HB1677 - Have Miscarriage, Go to Jail?