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Incredulous? Outraged? crossdressing Read on below the jump for more information on this odious bill. HB1677, “Report of Fetal Death by mother, penalty” It sounds preposterous to talk about criminalizing women who suffer miscarriages, but one Virginia legislator is proposing just that. HB1677, “Report of Fetal Death by mother, penalty” is a bill introduced by John A. Cosgrove (R) of Chesapeake. Cosgrove’s bill requires any woman who experiences “fetal death” without a doctor’s assistance to report this to the local law-enforcement agency within twelve hours of the miscarriage. Failure to do so is punishable crossdressing as a Class 1 Misdemeanor. Background: Reporting of Fetal Deaths Almost all states mandate reporting of fetal deaths to vital statistics bureaus. These statistics are then collected nationally by the CDC.