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My wife was 8 months pregnant, so we decided to send them home pronto.This year we put two fingers up to the lot of them ezine and we are in Sydney, Australia, celebrating with friends. Unfortunately, I have food ezine poisoning and it looks like I might be in hospital tomorrow! There is a moral in there somewhere.Apols for festive longditude. (thegripesofwrath, Thu 23 Dec 2004, 15:48) ezine 'last christmas' by wham was topping the charts For once everything came together the way it does on the telly.The paper hats and crackers and all that crap and everyone joining in.(A different house to the previous year where tensions ran so high that we were all convinced our parents would split up there and then.)This Christmas was great,after our meal the bonhomie was well-nigh uncontainable.'Sing the song you made up' urged my older sisters....'er no' cue Mrs Doyle style chorus of 'Go on Go on'and whatever possessed me to think this was a good idea,I was very young I suppose and everyone was in such good humour I thought it would be alright.This