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Posted by: Jody | January 09, 2005 at 08:30 PM I still don't get why educated people continue to live in Virginia. We have urbane, chic places all through the District and pastoral, open stretches all through Maryland. Quit your whining maturewoman peeing and get the fuck out. Posted by: Trip Nesbitt maturewoman peeing | January 10, 2005 at 12:38 AM The maturewoman peeing democrats are making a circus out of this...a woman in virginia was arrested for after they found the dead body of one of her babies, whom she CLAIMED was stillborn, if it was stillborn, why hide it? And it wasn't the first baby she claimed as stillborn, she did the same thing before!!! This law will keep babykillers like her from having more babies too kill. Posted by: Michelle | January 10, 2005 at 01:45 AM This is completely ridiculous!!! If there's going to be a law like that, then there should be a law putting women in prison for 10 years or more for having abortions; which I think should happen anyway because it's murder.