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fire department, police department, hospital, drs office, or any public place open for business at the time the baby is left, without reprisal. Christie told me the last baby they found was in a snowbank in February 2004. Someone had taken the time to diaper the baby and wrap her in a blanket before they just left her in the alba woods, where she froze. Personally, I think VA has alba more of an education issue with teen pregnancy and how to handle those pregnancies and alba they should focus more on this aspect, but the proposal does not have anything to do with miscarriages. Just thought you'd like to know. Posted by: GototheSource | January 07, 2005 at 03:10 PM Um, "GototheSource" - it doesn't matter what the drones working for that Delegate TELLS you the bill is about, if you read the TEXT of the bill it says quite clearly, in plain English, all that the author of this website says it does.