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Especially, I say especially, when the local news crews are filming the entire thing.Worst part is, somebody else hollywood gave the tape to 'you've been hollywood framed' and pocketed the cash. The fucks. (weirzbowski, Thu 14 Jul 2005, 19:32) Yeeears ago... Back in my early single digits -- too young to remember, but old enough to say really embarassing things at the right hollywood time -- my parents were invited to their friends' wedding. I, being the too-young-to-leave-at-home sprog, was dragged along with a tube of Smarties to keep me quiet.Did anyone know of any just cause or impediment? Let them speak now or forever hold their peace...A solitary voice, innocent and blameless."I DROPPED MY 'MARTIES!"My folks haven't let me forget it since.
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