mother son, jewish blog, female comedianne, falafel, momfucking son, tranq. nguyen, anderson, open mike night, wrongfully terminated, drunk guys, seth diamond, devil, harassment, asian rape, sumbissions, ha, anger management, israel blogs, anglicanism, jerusalem blogs, momson sex, mad at, extreme, plays,
thats all I drink. tequila. oh great, now Im associated with those slobs south of the border. shoot me now. and terrible dont bother mailing me to say "OH CLIFF YOURE THE BEST" because I know Im the best, goddammit. get off your computer you geeks and go out and get a terrible fucking job and stay the fuck away from my bushes or Ill shove a broom handle into your skull you braindead simps. 3-12-2001: more people I hate mixed in with various witty comments I made while drunk. go and read it terrible now you computer losers. 3-7-2001: Ive updated. now fuck off. 2-26-2001: jesus christ, you whiny little bitches need to go out and get a life for gods sake. all I get is "WAH, CLIFF, UPDATE YOUR PAGE, IM TIRED OF JACKING OFF TO THE ABC NEWS ALL DAY, WAH, UPDATE YOUR PAGE." fuck you all. I hate you. Ive updated my fucking page, so shut the hell up you mongrel bastards. now leave me alone, you gutless simps. 2-21-2001: STOP EMAILING ME WITH YOUR PATHETIC, WHINING, SNIVELING LITTLE BITCHFESTS, GODDAMMIT listen up you drooling little sycophants.