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. . (employee12754, drunk flashing woman Sat 10 Sep 2005, 20:51) mintal whore yey another anagram, you need to employ a welsh accent to make 'mintal' plausible as 'mental' thus mental whore . . .is there a prize of some drunk flashing woman sort for this ? (employee12754, Sat 10 drunk flashing woman Sep 2005, 20:50) To answer Gleeballs An anagram of "Mother in Law" is "Woman Hitler" ( JugglerJAF, Sat 10 Sep 2005, 20:11) MILs I don't mind my mother-in-law, but she certainly has ... tics. She and my father-in-law (and my husband, me, etc.) are heavy-duty cat people, and so as to charm her we sent her photos of my charming gato.Her response? "Tell Tullia she has a lovely pussy."... Okay.Then there was the time we started showing her infinitecat.com,
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