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"You don't want to call your mother to tell her you're safe?" "No thanks," he said, stirring his yogurt absently. "I'll call her when I'm back." "Okay. Do it your way," she said. "I would never allow Eli to live so far. He wanted to go for university in Haifa at the Technion, but I said go to Tel Aviv. Why should he live celebs far celebs away and eat falafel? Here I can cook for celebs him. He's sensitive, special." "He's special to me too," Michael said. He caught Becky smirking. "I was happy last summer when he stayed with you instead of going with his friends to Vienna and Berlin and all these terrible places." She wiped her eyes under her glasses. "So what exactly are you doing there?" "We work as consultants," he said, brightening a little.