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His friends constantly hear from him about how bad of a wife I am and fills them in about each one of our arguments much to my dismay. It's none of their business! Anyway, he just fat, a liar, and lazy and refuses drunklesbian to acknowledge it! Teenage Stepson 52 He's a liar, he's a thief, he's just a downright pain in the ass! He won't do a drunklesbian damn thing but watch TV, play video games and sit around. drunklesbian Ask him to do something and it's a battle. Over anything and everything. He thinks he's an adult, but acts like a 10 year old with a temper tantrum problem. We've tried talking with him, explaining things to him and nothing works. He's almost caused my husband and I to break up-he's a smart mouthed punk and I can't stand to be around him. There are days where I would rather stay at work than go home and put up with his ass. He doesn't bathe without being told to, he won't do his laundry without being told to, and he wants everything handed to him-won't go out and get a part time job to help pay for anything, just expects it to be handed to him....WHAT