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Fuck you brat. Family anglicanism 42 I hate my cousin Sarah and my aunt Karen. These two idiots are so fucking vegan they do not eat ANYTHING that comes from an animal. Anyway, we went to their home in Seattle for a few weeks and there was literally nothing but wheat, and organic junk. of anglicanism course we had to buy anything we wanted. And a few months later they came and we had to buy their fucking soy milk shit, why didn't they pay for their own anglicanism things. Not to mention that while we were going to Frankenmuth my hippie bithc cousin was describing in detail how animals are prepared for slaughter. I enjoy meat, I enjoy real food, not vegan shit. I DO NOT enjoy being made to feel guilty about my preferences. I also wish to rant about my other aunt christine. She pisses me off too. I recently found out that my grandpa paid for her entire college experience and she blew it partying in her sorority and scrweing up her classes. She got a c-fucking average while my dad had to work and slave his way through and didn't even get to finish.
islam, hummus, a.v. club, 2005
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