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just... so... GOOD! he was signing books after the show and i wished i had brought my copy interfaith marriage of staggering genius. and then there was an intermission, and the second half of the show was a rock-solid straight-up TMBG concert. notably absent from the playlist was anything from lincoln or the pink interfaith marriage album, but their live performances of the newer stuff -- off NO! and mink car interfaith marriage -- were truly inspired. they also played james k. polk and dr. worm, which was neat. no destination moon or snowball in hell, alas. come to think of it they may not have played anything off john henry, either. have you ever seen them do their radio improv thing? it was the first time i had seen it, but jed (who's seen them five times) says they've been doing it for a while. what they do is bring a radio on stage, find whatever songs are playing, and improv along with them.