Michael found LUNINECÑthe shtetl naked fiction

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Michael found LUNINECÑthe shtetl in Poland where their great-grandparents had fiction lived, had been killed.             And instead of continuing the line, we destroy it with our fucking.             "I never saw this before," Eli said. "Why not?" Michael asked.             "It's the past. My mother's uncle traveled to this town last year. fiction He saw nothing." Eli didn't know how to say in English that their history had been erased, buried in a place with no marker. Now other people lived there. "It's nothing. fiction It's nowhere."             "I know." And Eli knew that Michael really did know.             "Why don't I take a shot of the two of you by the name?" Becky said. When they bent over to touch the engraving, their hands met.
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