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My oldest daughter sees the things that he does and how he is all for himself (even though he claims to be a great father!) She remebers the fact teen rape he wasn't there for her kindergarden graduation or any other school event, she remembers he teen rape constantly would forget to pick her up afterschool and the many times after we were divorced that he would not show up at all to pick them up when his visitation came. I never said anything negative about it because I knew he would teen rape screw it up himself. If your kids dad does say negative things about you then that only hurts his relationship with your kids. You are definetely doing the right thing by not being negative but at the same time being truthful in a gentle way. You are an awesome mom for doing that!!! helpmepleaz 03-06-2006 02:09 PM First of all Let me tell the ones that say I keep my son from his father iz a lie he barley call to check on him and when he does call it iz to say i am coming to get him and other then that my son does not see or hear from his father okay so tell me this how would you feel if the only time someone came to u was when they was coming to take you away from the family and people u know and love and show you love in return and also how would you feel if when you go to someone elses house the only attenion you get from them iz when you do something