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"Oh, no thank you. I have Buddhist tendancies." (Throbbe, Mon 12 Sep 2005, 17:49) Apparently I have it on good authority (from a close, personal friend - "Taco Balled Me") that an anagram for Mother In Law(s) is Eva Braun, or "Woman, Hitler." or perhaps "Hitler's Woman."no length jokes, it might upset her. (Citadel, Mon 12 Sep 2005, 16:22) Not mother-in-law yet... excellent ... but my girlfriend's mum. We get on ok, but the first time I went round to pick my excellent gf up from their house, I excellent parked in the (rather steep) road. My gf and her mum were in the garden, and walked over to the gate where I'd parked my (admittedly rather scruffy) old Volvo. As I shut the door, the handbrake cable let go with a cartoony TWAAAANNGGG! Leapt back in, foot on brake, into gear, really *hope* no-one else realises what had happened. Of course she was convinced it was dangerous because it was quite old, I mean it's not like Volvos have a reputation for safety or anything...Week
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