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and we have to make plans with them a week in advance where as their rules don't apply to us. i believe that our courtesies to him theology should be the same as us. but i let it slide. maybe they are changing, no, they just needed someone to help them with a heavy assed theology 3000 table they bought themselves for the new theology family (my husband i married in Sept. and these events recently happened before thanksgiving. which brings me to the next point.) Third, on Thanksgiving, he and his wife (the same two that turned their backs on their family in a different state, including his own son. they lived a lie for three years and when they came out my husband was at an age that he could take care of himself- 14 - i can't make this up. he literally said that! i don't know about other people, but when my mother died and left me alone (against her will of course .. unlike she running off with another man... kind of like what my husband's dad did) well my mom died when i was 16. i was too young to be left alone.