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Thanks for listening. Father In Law 21 My father in law is the biggest jerk that I've ever met! We've lost everything because of this greedy asshole, and his favoritism of his other son, a drug dealer. It all started when jokes he "gave" us a house for a wedding present. He'd done the same for the crackhead, at his wedding, a few years back. One month later, he jokes called to tell us that jokes he "wanted to take some money out of the house, and the appraiser was coming in three days to inspect it." Next thing we know, our gift is now costing us twice what he said it would. He took the money, to buy a new, fully loaded Suburban fot the dirtbags wife. She's a real bitch, and Daddy Dearest claimed to despise her, but that didn't stop him from buying her fat ass a truck worth 50 grand, and handing us the tab for it.
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