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miscaraiges. i read the story and bill and comments. so jerusalem blogs anyways i don't see what he wants to do hear besides put women though jerusalem blogs more greef and anger. i mean what does he know about being pregent, miscarrying, or having a period. the answer is nothing cause hes a man. they have no idea what it is like. i dont think that a women should have to report a miscaraige to anyone unless she wants to. and having a miscariage is not murder and should not be treated that way. i think jerusalem blogs that it is gods way of saying that it wasn't ment to be at that time. u shouldn't be put in jail or have to pay a fine just because u didn't report having a miscarriage. they happen all the time all over the world and most of the time are not noticed because it is with in the first few weeks. and so it is not possibe to ever know how many happen or why they happen.