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1. Does Landrieu have any evidence to david eggers support her conclusion that david eggers there was just one piece of eqmt there because this was a photo op? Aren't there other possibilities? (I think - but unlike ML and KD I'm not sure - I know what the real reason is, but I'll let you guys flail around for a bit). 2. What is ZDF News, and why should I trust what they say? On a related note, has anyone read AP Warned of New Orleans Disaster? It discusses david eggers the school buses pictured here. -- Lonewacko: illegal immigration news Posted by: The Lonewacko Blog on September 3, 2005 at 10:12 PM | PERMALINK Yeah, it reminds me of 'Camp Casey'. On a more serious note: anybody at WM willing to state that the city of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana had a dreadful disaster plan run by incompetents? You can lash out at Bush and FEMA all you want, but there was no cogent disaster plan. Mayor Nagin and Gov. Blanco didn't use the resources at hand (e.g., the school busses now sitting under water that could have been used to get people out of the city before the hurricane hit).