Phalaborwa, Limpopo. You have mother sucks son homestuff

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Phalaborwa, Limpopo. You have to remember one of the more memorable tales I've told, namely regarding one Nelson Chisale who ended up being eaten in a lion's den at the Mokwalo White Lion homestuff breeding project. Even though the owner has stated that he sold the lions that ate Chisale, it homestuff seems that scared shitless farm workers of the farms surrounding the centre are doubtful, and ask that the offending homestuff lions be put down, but since nobody knows exactly which lions dined on the poor fucker, they're calling for all of them to be offed. Which would piss me off no end, I can tell you. It's bad enough that the owner, Albertus "Mossie" Mostert brags about how he prepares lions for a "canned" hunt when the centre claims that it's a vital fucking resource for the preservation of an endangered species. Know what a canned hunt is? It's one of the most disgusting, cowardly things a human being can do to an animal, and goes something like this: rich tourist pays farm to go out and shoot a lion that has been fenced off, and drugged so it can hardly fucking move.
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