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Natalee Holloway (1.03 / 31) (#322) by texasvirgochick on Sat Jul 9th, 2005 at 10:54:35 with AM EST you have every right to your opinion but until you have a child missing with you dont have an opinion asshole! Too bad it wasnt you instead of her that went missing! Fucking bastard! Right on!!!! by Polo555, 07/13/2005 09:20:12 PM EST (none / 0) Stupid people by uptownpimp, 07/11/2005 04:50:52 PM EST (none / 0) Contradictions and Semantics by buddhaseviltwin, 07/09/2005 08:26:11 PM EST (none / 1) Save your bullshit for someone else by Polo555, 07/13/2005 09:21:30 PM EST (none / 0) with The above post is for uptownpimp by Polo555, 07/13/2005 09:24:32 PM EST (none / 0) Ugandan children by tannhaus, 07/09/2005 06:08:03 PM EST (none / 0) RE: Natalee Holloway by tannhaus, 07/09/2005 05:44:26 PM EST (none / 0) Why are perople Zeroing this?