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How bizarre is that? These guys will be out mom son sex on the road later this year promoting hedonism, and acting as if the world's a party, and then retire to the backstage area to hash out personal "issues" mom son sex with their shrink, and lubricate their newly-installed hips and hairlines. It sounds pretty weird on the surface, but I can't fucking wait. -- I'll post my feelings on the Napster court ruling next time. I have some things to say, but I've hit the wall tonight. I'm going to need mom son sex to re-charge before I tackle that subject. So, nighty-night. February 11, 2001 A few more things: -- I mentioned my current Napster obsession, and while robbing artists of even more royalties a few nights ago I was reminded of a story (pretty much everything reminds me of a story).
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