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I'll see if I can find a link. adult Feel better. Another six months from now, all those boxes will adult be gone. Really. L. (who has moved 14 times in 20 years since college) adult Clubfoot said at 01:15PM, 05.06.2003: Dooce, baby, you need to kick back and burn one and watch some more tivo. I just re-discovered weed after 20 years away - it's a nice escape. Anyone have a tip how I can bring a number with me on a short plane trip? Heather #2 said at 01:20PM, 05.06.2003: Thank God for the Blurb. He HAS to be the only thing keeping you sane, which we all appreciate. Write if you need to. I'll be here, renting and husbandless. P.S. When it gets to be too much, just think of the minister parents story. Love ya! starfish said at 01:20PM, 05.06.2003: gotta go with the trusty bunghole, clubfoot. it's a short trip. Sheila said at 01:24PM, 05.06.2003: Keep an eye on the pooch.