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Little did I know. About a week later pogrom I was visiting my grandparents with my dad (who hadn't been privy to the Jodie conversation). At the time one of my aunts was planning her wedding, and there was much talk pogrom of weddings and marriage pogrom amongst the relatives gathered at my grandparents'. At one point one of my relatives said to me, "How about you, Matthew? When are you getting married?" "Aw, I'm not getting married," I replied. "I'm gay." Posted by holohan at 09:19 AM | Comments (20) April 13, 2003 Legally Blonde is a Fucking Lie Enjoy this week's double helping of IFTL. Earlier this week I came up with an idea for a guest-star named "Liti-gator: The Alligator Attorney" which may or may not be making an appearance in a bonus strip later this week. Don't hold your breath. As for 1L tips, here are a few more. Keep up with The Sopranos, becuase about 65% of the conversations amongst your classmates will involve them in some way.
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