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That impulse almost seems integrated in me. I HATE all drunklesbian the fuckin' people out there who preach forgiveness NO MATTER WHAT and expect you to be calm.. they must be FUCKED. Brother 19 my brother is a fuck who decided not to talk to since drunklesbian we were 14 and staying at my grandparents and now i am made to feel like its my fault? my grandmother treats him like bloody royalty cos he's male, drunklesbian she bloody lives in the dark ages, and he sucks it ALL up. now he's shackled w some bitch of booby girlfriend and i am expected to happily say congratulations well i'll tell all of them to piss the hell off. my bitch grandmother 20 My grandmother is such a bitch lately. Last weekend my grandmother was on my cousin's case about her boyfriend and why he isn't helping her through graduate school. That is none of her concern and she is really a pain in the ass.