She has NO BRAIN. asian rape eve

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She has NO eve BRAIN. She's also a control freak. Before we were married, we were visiting his parents and he was going to pick up something at a store that he had purchased. It was misting. MISTING. And she said, "I said eve you can't go because it's misting." He said he was still going. She said, "I'm your mother, I bore you, controlled you, and will ALWAYS control you." His dad told him to go, so we started to leave, we were out the driveway, and his mom drove her brand new car after eve us. Or at least she tried. She drove it right into their mailbox. HEAD ON. She wasn't even backing up! We kept going. Serves her right. Moron-control-freak-financially irresponsible-lazy ass. She also told me I would never use my college degree. Imagine that. I just got hired somewhere, USING MY DEGREE. Just because she chose to answer phones at min. wage when she has a B.A. doesn't mean that I'll be like that. When I can't fall asleep at night, I dream about kicking her in the face.
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