machane yehuda, stage, andrei codrescu, college drunk girl, jennifer, wbar, reviews, hummus, writing, comedy, prayer, erin patrice bennett, priests, fucking, and, 2004,
When I am fully employed again the jewish podcasts costs will rise dramatically but will always be held in the realm of the readily possible. There is always a jewish podcasts 'safety-net'. Our doctors still drive BMWs, we are not making slaves out of them, the levy is not odious, the standard of care better than most of the world. We have/had it pretty good. How do we manage this without massive taxation? Well, 2% of income taxes is the Medicare levy but much is saved jewish podcasts by massive negotiating power. But now thanks to the FTA 'our' politicians negotiated we have lost all sorts of rights. Having out government negotiate prices with drug companies seems to be against the capitalistic ethic and rights protections being forced upon us. [Duh! I would have thought it the ideal of capitalism] Hence out universal healthcare is going to be made unaffordable without dramatically raising the levy (which probably cannot be done very easily anyway). We don't believe in one medecine for the rich and one (or none) for the poor.