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ncmaureen View Public Profile Send a private directors message to ncmaureen Send email to ncmaureen Find all posts by ncmaureen directors Add ncmaureen to Your Buddy List #16 03-06-2006, 02:09 PM helpmepleaz Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2005 Posts: 12 First of all Let me tell the ones that say I keep my directors son from his father iz a lie he barley call to check on him and when he does call it iz to say i am coming to get him and other then that my son does not see or hear from his father okay so tell me this how would you feel if the only time someone came to u was when they was coming to take you away from the family and people u know and love and show you love in return and also how would you feel if when you go to someone elses house the only attenion you get from them iz when you do something wrong and everyone iz alwayz tell u shut the f*ck up and calling you a b*tch a** n*gga so therfore the only thing I can be accussed of iz sheltering my son and keeping him from going threw what I went threw growing up and to everyone else thankz for you help and I ask that if your not going to post me any helpful respondes then don't