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(Nashua, NH United States) - See all my reviews    Well, you know that old saying "Don't judge a book by its cover"? It has never been so pregnant woman sex true as pregnant woman sex it was with this book. Because "Thoughts While Having Sex" ended up not only completely surprising me with its warmth, honesty and raw emotion, but actually helped me to see things about myself that I didn't realize. I'm still amazed that a chick-lit type of book had such an effect on me."Thoughts While Having Sex" pregnant woman sex tells the story of Jennifer Ward, a 25-year old playwright living in New York City. It all begins after Jennifer has written a play and submitted it to a theater in Chelsea. The play, entitled "Til Death Do Us Part", is about two sisters, one who commits suicide and the other who is left behind and feels as though her dead sister is haunting her.
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