Dr. Lin: 8/24/2004> Your news in brief teaching sex education

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Dr. Lin: 8/24/2004> Your case is very similar (identical) to teaching sex education this one - Chemical castration by pot chemicals and birth control pills, and mechanical castration by chronic vibrator use and excessive sex sine age 14 causes this 21-year old vaginal and clitoral numbness, vaginal inflammation, urinary-incontinent female ejaculation, and stingy pains with semen for no more sexual orgasm ! ==> http://www.actionlove.com/cases/case12524.htm  Basically, your clitoris and teaching sex education G-spot can be considered dead due to the overtaking of the neurotransmitters teaching sex education acetylcholine and dopamine by pot chemicals and their resulting sexual and erectile dysfunction You need a long-term detoxification of your brain/nervous and liver system with ViaPal-hGH-J and 5-HTP and reduce your intercourse or/and masturbation frequency to one a week . It doesn't make sense to make love when you feel nothing in your clitoris and vagina. You should read this link first- How drugs take over your brain and nervous system and how to detoxify your brain and nervous fiber/synapse for restoration of sexual orgasm.
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