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In Nigeria, a pregnant woman was sentenced to death by stoning for the crime of premarital sex.» Week ofOct 23 Britons were having more sex to keep their minds off the war.» Week ofNov 13 King Mswati III of Swaziland was fined one cow for violating woman who want sex his recent ban on having sex with minors after he chose a 17-year-old to be his ninth wife; 300 young women cast down their chastity belts and then speared, roasted, and ate the cow.» Week ofNov 20 Seven thousand virgins in Tanzania got together and promised woman who want sex not to have sex until marriage.» Week woman who want sex ofDec 11 Hookers in Romania were letting their customers buy sex on credit.» Week ofDec 18 A scientist observed wild orangutans partaking in homosexual behavior.» A judge in Philadelphia dismissed charges against a female prison guard who used snack foods to purchase sex from prisoners.»