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International Teen Sex Traffickers Sentenced -- On August 7, a satire federal judge in Newark sentenced two female Mexican nationals to 210 months imprisonment for luring four teenaged Mexican girls to the United States and holding them captive as prostitutes in a brothel in Plainfield, N.J. These sentences were among the first satire to be handed down satire under the Trafficking and Victims Protection Act, which was enacted in 2000. The two women were among a total of six defendants who have pleaded guilty as a result of an ICE probe into a ring that conspired to smuggled undocumented Mexican girls into the United States. Accused Child Pornographer / Elementary School Teacher Arrested -- On July 25, ICE agents arrested Ronald Knapp, an elementary school teacher and a mentor in the Big Brothers and Big Sisters program in Union City, Michigan. ICE agents were acting on a lead from an overseas child pornography website that identified Knapp as a paid subscriber to the site. Agents arrested Knapp after executing a search warrant at his home where they identified thousands of child pornography images on his computer.
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