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but also: the more you know, the more receptive you can be to your partner, knowing what feels good, what doesn't, as well as this comfortability minimizes pain sex and the married woman experienced in the first time and maxamizes sex and the married woman pleasure!) 3. We were with each other for quite a long time. While everyone has their bare-minimum before they will engage in cerain sexual activity, we took things slow but steady and enjoyed learning sex and the married woman about each other's reactions. The more time you wait before engaging in sexual activity/intercourse, the better you know each other's bodies, likes and dislikes, as well as simply EACH OTHER! What is better than knowing your partner fully, so that when it is time for sex, you TRULY ARE ONE! 4. We will be and want to be together forever. Skeptics will disagree as we are only 18, but, we talk constantly about the future, from plans of the scheme of our bathroom, to financial troubles, to our children's names.