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In most european countries according to my vague knowledge, the legal age to start having sex varies between 14-16. 15-17y man and woman sex old kids are having one night stands these days, so it's not they are into some weird thing. [ Parent ] Re:I doubt she was 'seduced'... (Score:5, Funny) by krumms (613921) on Sunday man and woman sex April 17, @09:33PM (#12265858) (Last Journal: Tuesday March 15, @11:17AM) wanted to have sex with herself mod me up if you too like out of context quotes! [ Parent ] Re:I doubt she was 'seduced'... by A beautiful mind (Score:1) Sunday April 17, @09:38PM 1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:I doubt she was 'seduced'... by C0llegeSTUDent (Score:2) Sunday April 17, @09:38PM Re:I doubt she was 'seduced'...