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The Timing of and Feelings About First current events Sexual Intercourse As most adolescents experience sexual intercourse before adulthood, their perceptions of "normal" behavior includes teenage sexual activity. Teens' first sexual experiences are often conflicted. They undergo intense emotions that may include sexual, romantic, intimate, and pleasurable feelings, along with fear, guilt, or shame. Adolescents may feel they are "ready" for sexual intercourse but be ambivalent about the specific conditions under which they current events will initiate or acquiesce to sexual activity. current events As these conflicting feelings and ambivalence are likely to be present in most young people before their first partnered sexual experience, it is difficult to pinpoint the degree of intention or consent. The age of first sexual intercourse among adolescents is influenced by many factors:timing of pubertysocial controlsfrequent datingromantic relationshipsfamily constellationsparental supervisioneconomic statusdomestic violencesexual abusephysical attractionsexual curiositypeer pressureunrealistic appraisal of risksuse of alcohol and other drugsperception of peer sexual activityfeeling it's "the right time"approval of partnerwanting to show loveloss of self-controlfearlack of readinesssocial disapproval Boys appear to initiate intercourse earlier than girls, but girls catch up by the late teens (Leigh et al.,