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Our hero, Victor Mancini is a young man living every day of his life only to satisfy his most basic (and galotta boicelli sexual) needs. Victor chokes in restaurants and makes himself the a helpless lamb, allowing anyone one to be his hero and help him. He has done this a countless number of times and continues to recieve money from the people who save him.While I don't want to give away the galotta boicelli plot, I will refute some of the more popular accusations made against this book: 1. The characters seem unreal and galotta boicelli you don't develop a real care for them. To this I say that the book should be read quickly. The character development may not be great, but that is not the point of a satire. 2. The plot is unbelievable. Yes, this is also pretty much true. But once again this is a satire. I'm pretty sure that Jonathan Swift didn't seriously intend for people to eat babies.
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