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In response, St. Martin's pulled the book."When the media stumbled upon a story regarding George W. Bush's 1972 cocaine possession arrest, Rove had to find a way to kill the story. He did so by destroying the messenger," says Sander dobson Hicks, dobson the former publisher of Soft Skull, which re-published "Fortunate Son." Howie Fineman writes:Private though it was, the McCain call was emblematic of the '08 strategy that he and his circle have decided to pursue. They want to build dobson out their campaign with members of the Bush circle, and base McCain's pitch on the notion that he is the only sensible, electable and competent commander who can take control of the war on terror."Competence and electability," that's what we're going to talk about," said a key advisor. "If you support the president's vision, John can carry it forward."Known as an outsider and maverick, McCain in 2008 has chosen a different route and probably had no choice, given his prominence and experience. He and his aides are making the best they can of it, and one aspect of doing so involves trying to reel in Bush's top operatives and supporters.Here
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