Airstrikes'll do that. Nevermind sex probe texas

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Airstrikes'll do that. Nevermind it will make the situation far worse than it already is (hard to believe, but texas true). It will be an Iraqi problem; a large American presence will be texas history. And Bush's poll numbers will rise.Tragically, the beginning of a plan to find a real-world solution to the dangerous mess Bush created in Iraq will have to wait until January, 2009 when a hopefully sane president will take over. In the meantime, thousands will die for no reason at all texas except that an incompetent, bumbling, and frightened fool is president of the United States. Makes you kind of angry, doesn't it? tristero 3/16/2006 09:03:00 AM   It's So Easy. Replace The "Q" With "N" tristeroHooyah! Iran is now the new Iraq. Read all about it here. From the article:The strategy document declares that American-led diplomacy to halt Iran's program to enrich nuclear fuel "must succeed if confrontation is to be avoided," a near final draft of the document says.
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