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Advocates For Youth . Unpublished data from the School Condom Availability Clearinghouse. Washington, DC: Advocates, 1997. Kirby DB, Brown NL. Condom availability programs in U.S. schools. Fam Plann Perspect 1996; 28:196-202. Guttmacher S, iran government Lieberman L, Ward D, et. al. Parents' attitudes and beliefs about HIV/AIDS prevention with condom availability in New York City public high schools. J Sch Health 1995;65:101-106. Fanburg JT, Kaplan DW, Naylor KE. Student opinions of condom distribution at a Denver, iran government Colorado high iran government school. J Sch Health 1995; 65:181-185. Eng TR, Butler WT, ed., Committee on Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Institute of Medicine.
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