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All I can say is live your own live most americans care more about other people's live they dont live there own. Also I saw alot of people talking about being repulican, liberal, democrat or so on, which has nothing to do with bestiality. film Plus After I film read this side bar thing in maxim that said bestiality was legal in some stats I looked it up on the web and its legal in 50% or so states, not to say its legal in other countries to. For those of you film who read this and think I'm a repulican guess what im not I dont care about politics at all im non-political, and im not a born again or christan in fact the main reason is because I havent meant one person who lives up to what a christan or born again says they are most lie about how good they are and what they do to help people when they do nothing. OH I almost forgot to if you have ever researched bestiality you cant tell me that when a dog is having sex with a girl that the dog doesnt want it.
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